Dersingham Bog NNR is part of the Sandringham Estate and comprises 3 distinct habitats: mire, heath & woodland. Acid valley mire is found over much of the low-lying parts of the reserve where the ground is waterlogged for most of the time.
The wet acid peat of the mire is characterised by rare plants, including bog asphodel, round-leaved sundew, cranberry and white-beaked sedge. Rare insects thrive here too, including dragonflies such as the black darter, and moths such as the light knot grass.
The mire lies on shallow peat and is bordered on one side by a steep escarpment – itself containing large areas of dry heath and woodland – which marks the edge of an ancient coastline.
The woodland at Dersingham is quite recent and contains Scots pine, oak, sweet chestnut, sycamore and birch. The woodland glades attract birds such as redpoll, crossbill, long-eared owl and sparrowhawk.
The best time to visit the reserve is between July and August.
The nearest toilet and refreshment facilities are in local towns and villages. Additional facilities can be found at the Sandringham Estate visitor centre.
There is a circular walk connecting both the reserve car parks. There are information panels and signs, and leaflets are available on-site.
An easy access path suitable for disabled visitors leads from the Wolferton car park to a viewpoint.