The fishing heritage of Winterton is apparent as soon as you walk through the door of Holy Trinity and All Saints Church.
Nets from one of the last fishing boats that made a living from the beach hang from the walls and at the back of the church is Fisherman’s Corner with a crucifix carved from ships’ timbers.
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Nobody could fail to be impressed by the magnificent tower of Winterton’s parish church which dominates the skyline. The tower rises to a height of 132 feet and is the third highest in Norfolk.
The church is thought to date from the 13th century, but has been added to and beautified in the 14th and 15th centuries.
The interior of the church is bright and spacious, however the furnishings are largely the result of the Victorian restoration in an anglo-catholic tradition. Of special note are the intricately carved rood screen and the Fisherman’s Corner.
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