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NWT East Winch Common

NWT East Winch Common consists of a mixture of heather- dominated heathland, interspersed with wet heath and ponds which are home to a number of interesting plants and invertebrates.

Opening Times

The site was gifted to NWT in 1973 by the famous cartoonist Osbert Lancaster, who lived opposite in East Winch Hall.

Marsh St John’s-Wort
Following the restoration of the Common’s pools, marsh St John’s-wort was rediscovered at the site. This yellow- petalled perennial flowers from July to August. Its round, pale greenish-grey leaves are blanketed with soft hairs.

NWT East Winch Common is located approximately 8km (5 miles) east of King’s Lynn. The reserve is accessed just south of the A47 from Common Road (follow the sign to ‘Pentney Lakes’).

Limited parking is available immediately on the right beyond the bungalows.
Cross the road and walk a few yards (50m) south to enter the reserve through a gate. A number of paths cross the site, though it can be rather wet and muddy in winter.

Seasonal highlights

Birds – Blackcap, linnet
Plants – European gorse
Insects – Green hairstreak, emperor moth, small copper, large red damselfly
Reptiles – Adder, slow worm

Birds – Blackcap, linnet, meadow pipit
Plants – Bog pimpernel, water violet, southern marsh orchid, St John’s wort
Insects – Common emerald damselfly, emperor dragonfly
Reptiles – Adder, grass snake, common lizard

Birds – Linnet, meadow pipit
Plants – Sphagnum mosses, purple moor-grass
Reptiles – Adder, slow worm

Birds – Siskin, common buzzard, goldcrest
Mammals – Brown hare

Dog policy
Open Access, but walkers must keep dogs on a short lead March-July to avoid disturbance to ground-nesting birds. Outside this period walkers are requested to keep dogs under tight control or on a lead to avoid disturbance to livestock when present.



Opening Times

Dawn till dusk, every day, all year round

NWT East Winch Common
East Winch
PE32 1NP
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