One of the largest remaining areas of chalk grassland in the county, this attractive, steep-sided valley supports a diverse range of plant and animal species.
Many interesting plants can be found, as well as around twenty species of butterfly. Several nationally declining birds – yellowhammer, whitethroat and linnet – occur in good numbers.
Common Rock-rose
This creeping perennial is a typical chalk grassland species. It is in bloom from June to September and has strongly scented lemon-yellow flowers.
Seasonal Highlights
Birds – Blackcap, chiffchaff, ring ouzel
Plants – Horseshoe vetch
Insects – Brown argus
Birds – Yellowhammer, whitethoat, buzzard
Plants – Common rock-rose, squinancywort, horseshoe vetch, wild thyme, dwarf thistle, burnet saxifrage, common gromwell
Insects – Brown argus, oak bushcricket, speckled bush cricket, common blue
Plants – Autumn gentian
Insects – Oak bush-cricket, speckled bush-cricket
Dog policy
Open Access, but walkers must keep dogs on a short lead March-July to avoid disturbance to ground-nesting birds. Outside this period walkers are requested to keep dogs under tight control or on a lead to avoid disturbance to livestock.
Dawn till dusk, every day, all year round