Official Visitor Website


Foulden is a civil parish in the English county of Norfolk. Whilst Foulden may seem like your typical sleepy Breckland village, there is a host of things to see and do.


Our refurbished village hall offers a great space in a peaceful setting and is available for private hire at a reasonable cost (Village Hall Hire) or you can join one of the activities that are run on a regular basis (Village Hall Regulars). You can contact the village hall manager who is always happy to help.

All Saints church holds a special place in the hearts of the parishioners. It is a fantastic building with a rich history and services are held every three weeks in line with neighbouring villages. Church events are a great way to get to know others as well as a good excuse to eat cake. There are various events throughout the year and it’s monthly Coffee Morning which is held at the village hall and are known for many miles.

The village is also home to a recreation ground which is a great space for children to play and Foulden Common a Site of Specific Interest known for its grassland and scrub, which is home to grizzled and dingy skipper butterflies but also its fantastic pingos.