The Visitor Economy Network Initiative (VENI) is an industry collaboration project to help develop skills for the visitor economy and supporting businesses in the sector so that they can better make use of skills provision in the region.
VENI will bring educators and SMEs closer together and at the same time create opportunities for young people to develop work-ready skills and participate in, and learn more about, their local visitor economy.
It aims to tackle skills deficits in East Anglia and will provide people in, and out of, work with the skills needed to progress in employment in the Visitor Economy. The project is part-funded by the European Social Fund.
Visitor economy film from students at West Suffolk College.
ESF have contributed £1.25m and there is a further £1.25m of match funding from local partners.
Key strands provide the framework for project activity.
These are:
- Developing the Visitor Economy workforce
- Supporting young people through a Visitor Economy Youth Pledge
- Encouraging SMES to get involved through business networks
- Creating a package of exciting events across the region, which galvanise local communities
- Engage local colleges
- Promote the region to visitors
This project has been developed in response to the recent call for proposals from the European Social Fund Managing Authority in England. The project has been developed as part of the New Anglia LEP Visitor Economy Sector Skills Group’s core work and is the result of numerous discussions and consultation across the LEP region.
Read more about VENI.